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Michael Bearman
Michael Bearman

LLB (ANU), LLM (Mon)

Admitted to Practice:

Signed Victorian Bar Roll:

2 November 1988

28 May 1988

Room 1706

Owen Dixon Chambers West

(03) 9225 8799

(03) 9225 7222 (Clerk)

A preeminent taxation barrister (Doyles Guide 2017, 2016, Melbourne), Michael has 30 years’ experience advising and appearing for clients in trials and appeals traversing all aspects of taxation and revenue law, as well as administrative law, corporations law, equity and trusts, bankruptcy, corporate insolvency, and commercial litigation.  Michael is a Chartered Tax Advisor under the auspices of the Taxation Institute of Australia.

Michael’s taxation recent taxation cases include:

Vasiliades v Commissioner of Taxation [2017] HCA Trans 104 (Kiefel CJ, and Keane J), contra S Sharply QC and S Linden

Vasiliades v Commissioner of Taxation [2016] FCA 420 (Davies J), contra S Sharply QC and S Linden

Galea v Commissioner of State Revenue (2016) VCAT 1865 (Judge Dyer), contra D Morgan

Commissioner of Taxation v Ludekens (No 2) [2016] FCA 755 (Pagone J), with H Kirimof, contra P Sest, QC and Sam Ure, D Williams, QC, A de Wijn, and A Wilson

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Burhala (No.2) [2016] FCCA 2241 (Judge Burchardt), with A Purton, contra T Connard

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Burhala [2016] FCCA 2225 (Judge Burchardt), with A Purton, contra T Connard

Vasiliades v Federal Commissioner of Taxation, FCA (Registrar D Ryan), unreported, 21 December 2015, led by H Symon, QC, contra S Linden

Vasiliades v Commissioner of Taxation [2016] FCA 420 (Davies J), with H Symon, QC, contra S Linden

Commissioner of Taxation v Moignard (2015) 228 FCR 456 (White J), with M Baker, contra S Maharaj, QC and K Clark

Scanlon v Commissioner of Taxation [2014] AATA 725 (Fice SM), contra A de Wijn

Rigoli v Commissioner of Taxation (2014) 141 ALD 529, (2014) 63 AAR 152  (Edmunds, Jessup and McKerracher JJ), with D Clough, contra D Harding, QC, with A Lee

Task Technology Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation (2014) 224 FCR 355 – FCA (Dowsett, Gordon and Jagot JJ), with Dr K Kendall; contra P Nicholas

Michael’s recent papers on taxation include:

Property taxes – a refresher on recent changes, Tax Institute of Australia, 21 June 2018

GST withholding on supplies of new residential property, Greens List, 9 May 2018

Case Update for SME’s, with Daniel Diaz, Victorian 5th Annual Tax Forum, Tax institute of Australia, 12 October 2017

Taxation and the Conclusion of Litigation: What Litigators Need to Know, Greens List, 13 June 2017

Thomas v Commissioner of Taxation - What are the implications for trustees? with Terry Murphy, QC and Fiona Cameron, Tax Bar Association, 8 May 2017,

Foreign resident withholding tax: an exercise in complexity, with Daniel Diaz, Greens List, 2 June 2016

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

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