Annette Charak
BA, LLB (Melb), MTax (Melb)
Admitted to Practice:
Signed Victorian Bar Roll:
7 May 1990
3 May 2012
Room 101
Owen Dixon Chambers West
(03) 9225 6273
(03) 9225 6777 (Clerk)
0409 299 324
Annette practises in commercial, taxation and administrative law.
Since coming to the Bar, she has advised on a range of commercial and tax matters and appeared in various courts and tribunals on diverse commercial matters.
Immediately before coming to the Bar, Annette ran her own consultancy, training lawyers, particularly in non-English speaking countries, to improve their written communications. At the same time, she worked in a boutique solicitors’ practice. She had previously worked at Allen & Overy in Brussels. Annette has edited a broad range of LexisNexis publications, including handbooks on international commercial litigation and on insolvency. She has written on tax and IP and on general tax matters for different publications.
Annette is a committee member of the Tax Bar Association, a reporter for the Victorian Reports and the deputy editor of the Victorian Bar News.