Commissioner of Taxation v Apted [2021] FCAFC 45
Appeal from: Apted and Commissioner of Taxation [2020] AATA 5139
TAXATION – application for Coronavirus economic response payment (jobkeeper payment) – whether respondent eligible for jobkeeper payment – whether respondent “had an ABN on 12 March 2020” within the meaning of s 11(6) of the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020 (Cth) (CERP Rules) – where respondent was not registered for an ABN on 12 March 2020 – where respondent was later registered for an ABN with a “date of effect” covering 12 March 2020 – held respondent did not have an ABN within the meaning of s 11(6) of the CERP Rules – whether the Commissioner’s decision not to exercise the discretion in s 11(6) of the CERP Rules to allow a later time for the respondent to have an ABN forms part of the reviewable decision – held Commissioner’s decision not to exercise the later time discretion was part of the reviewable decision – whether Tribunal erred in exercising the discretion to allow a later time in the respondent’s favour – held Tribunal did not err in exercising discretion – appeal dismissed.
Full decision here.