Philip Solomon KC
B.Com, LL.B (Hons) (Melb), LLM (Cantab)
Admitted to Practice:
Signed Victorian Bar Roll:
Appointed as KC/SC:
7 April 1993
22 May 1997
25 November 2010
Level 25
Chancery Chambers
(03) 8600 1711
(03) 9225 7999 (Clerk)
Philip Solomon has a substantial appeal and trial level tax practice at the Victorian Bar. He also has a substantial advice practice in state taxation matters, acting both for the Commissioner and for taxpayers.
In the High Court, Philip appeared as lead counsel for the Commissioner of State Revenue in his successful appeal in Commissioner of State Revenue v Lend Lease Development Pty Ltd (2014) 254 CLR 142, and as lead Counsel in his successful application for special leave in Commissioner of State Revenue v ACN 005 057 349 Pty Ltd [2016] HCA Trans 146.
At a state level, Philip has been involved in significant trials and appeals in recent years. They include: White Rock Properties Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2015] VSCA 77; Law Institute of Victoria v Commissioner of State Revenue [2015] VSC 604; CXC Consulting Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2013] VSC 492 and Summit Grain Investment Australia v Attorney-General for the State of Victoria [2013] VSC 383.
In addition, Philip lectures in tax law in the Melbourne Law Masters program. In both 2015 and 2017, with Justice Davies of the Federal Court and Ron Jorgensen, Philip lectured in the subject Tax Practice: Writing Effectively.
Please note: Philip does not accept direct briefs.