Bill Orow
Admitted to Practice:
Signed Victorian Bar Roll:
1 March 1993
22 May 2003
Room 0222
Owen Dixon Chambers East
(03) 9225 7579
(03) 9225 7222 (Clerk)
Dr Orow is an expert in the fields of taxation law and trusts holding a PhD as well as an LLM. He has had many works on taxation published, including “Comparative Anti-Avoidance Rules” and “Income Tax and GST Planning Strategies”, which he co-authored.
Some of the notable cases in which Bill appeared include Spriggs v FCT and Riddell v FCT in which the taxpayers (AFL and NRL players) claimed deductions for management fees – both were successful in the High Court.
He has acted as lead counsel in a number of appeals and special leave applications including in Lawrence v FCT, Gashi v FCT, Bell v FCT. These cases dealt with a number of taxation matters including dividend stripping, the powers of the Commissioner to make assessments, the powers of the Federal Court to determine the validity of assessments in Part IVC applications and the small business concessions. In addition, he has a substantial indirect tax practice in GST, land tax and state duty.